Monday, January 6, 2020

My 2020 Vision Board

🎇🎆It's 2020! 🎆🎇

New Year. 
For some people it's a chance to hit that reset button and have that fresh start again.
I'm not like one of those who set their new years resolution just because it's the new year.
I am more of a VISIONARY. As cheesy as it may sound, I set goals and write it on my journal.
But I don't just write them in the beginning of the year. Sometimes I write weekly or monthly.
Setting those "GOALS" makes me feel that I am on track that I have a purpose to live.
And like what I have mentioned, I usually write it on my journal, only for me to see.
This year, I am trying something new. I tried making a VISION BOARD.
Rather than just jotting down my dream or wish list, I made a digital collage.
But not to be confused with my goals, this vision board that I made is more on the 
dreams or wishes that I would love to have or do this year. Somewhat related.

I don't think I would elaborate my vision board, It's pretty much straight-forward.
I would love to influence you (the one reading this) to also do a vision board of your own.
Whatever day or year you might be reading this,
I would like you to try this exercise. Something to boost your moral.
Me and my husband believe in the LAW OF ATTRACTION.
And believe me, it has worked for us.
If you don't want to do a collage, You can just write it down.
The main key is to visualise your dreams and goals.
I'll try to make another blog about my Law of Attraction Experience.
But I would love to leave you a quote from Disney's Cinderella song:

"No matter how your heart is grieving

If you keep on believing

The dream that you wish will come true"